

Decisions, Decisions…

With a few different friends traveling North and South for a Thanksgiving weekend getaway, a choice had to be made on which way to pack up and point the van. After a rather short deliberation which included some homework with a AAA map, weather reports, swell models, and current sea surface temperature chart the best option became clear. Light winds, good weather, warm water and favorable swell were all coming together and we knew right where to be.

Among the quiver of boards we brought with us, the best suited for what the conditions provided were the ones with low rocker, wide templates, and plenty of paddle power to fight the relentless sweeping current. I enjoyed wearing a longsleeve spring suit and mostly rode a Siegel, Pooh Surfboards 5′ 6″ twin fin fish and 7’2″ Stu Kenson diamond tail single-fin.

Here’s Alex Marjanovic laying into a nice long wall and throwing a bucket with his fish.

Brian Grover found some really nice lines on his Firewire and connected this one all the way inside.


Surfing Vicariously: Nica Edit

Underwater beer bongs, reeling left-handers with fun barrels, and sketchy waterfall jumps? This may be the most action-packed feature of Surfing Vicariously yet! Ricky did it up right with this edit. Click play, relax and enjoy the latest from La Clare Media.


Surfing Vicariously: Nicaragua – III

This is the last installment of Surfing Vicariously: Nicaragua…for now. The crew here at localshapers.com booked tickets to Panama and will be provide the next episode of Surfing Vicariously. For now, check out the last round from our friend Ricky. Enjoy!


Surfing Vicariously: Nicaragua – Part II

The waves have been pretty mellow the last few days here in San Diego, leading us to wanderlust and planning trips abroad. To ease our woes, we can enjoy some more frothy glory shots from our buddy Ricky down in Nica.

Offshores and hefty air sections? Yes please. Summertime grovel has us itching to get out of San Diego, and with shots like this filtering in, we won’t be able to take it too much longer.


Surfing Vicariously: Nicaragua – Part I

Tired of work? Surf Vicariously.

nicaragua shack

Surf with us as we follow our buddy Ricky Burrows down South to Nicaragua.

This category is dedicated to following our buddies around the world and hearing about their experiences with the surf and finding surfboards when in need. You might see a few finners and barrels along the way but thats just how it goes.

broaken board nicaraguaRecently our good friend went on a little surf trip down South to Puerto Sandino, Nicaragua. He has seen some good swell so far and has documented some broken boards. Life on the road in need of a surfboard can be rough. It is always tough to find someone with an extra board they are willing to sell or even a local surf shop that has a few boards. It’s always awesome when you discover a local shaper whos in tune with the local waves and knows what boards work well. Stay tuned for part 2 of Surfing Vicariously: Nicaragua where Ricky does a little recon for us about some local surfboard shapers in Nicaragua.

Lately I’ve been doing some recon on a few breaks a bit off the beatin path which has been a blast. Was super stoked to get hooked up with a panga boat driver who took me out to a sick nearby point just south of my spot. After a nice session out there I decided to venture north up the coast the old fashion way – on foot. There were a few casualties along the way: one being my prized wolf tee and two, my virgin arm meat.